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Camera or Smartphone? – Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom

The Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom is a direct fallout of the original Samsung Galaxy S4 but no major change in the design to ensure the best experience of compact cameras. The touch screen has been reduced from 5 inches to 4.3 inches for an ergonomic shape is found naturally in the hand, as a compact standalone camera would.
Zoom chrome protrudes slightly from the back of the phone and adds a bit of weight for the product to 208 grams. Forward, it is impossible to distinguish the true nature of the Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom , which looks like any other smartphone.
Practical experience of the users device will soon forget that he is actually a smartphone. The side of the camera this hybrid device is quite impressive with a target of 16 megapixels and is certainly not a 10x optical zoom . I mention that most camera phones have a digital zoom that allows them to be desired compared to a compact standalone camera .
The zoom is used by turning the lens protrudes to the rear of the unit and it is a much more natural experience with the camera phones that work by pinch and zoom on a touch screen.
During the time I spent creating a review Zoom Samsung Galaxy S4 was really surprised by the quality of these images and you were in a league of its own compared to results from other camera phones .
As a compact camera that there are many ways to choose to ensure the best image is captured. The automatic mode will suit most cases, but the night mode is well worth the activation of night because the results are far superior to those taken in automatic mode. He is also an expert for those who want a little more control and then I could adjust the shutter speed, ISO, aperture and brightness mode.
This smartphone works very well and incorporates many features enjoyed the original Samsung Galaxy S4 . These include applications such as Samsung S translator , Travel S , S voice and music history .
It is a processor of 1.5 GHz dual core to manage complex tasks and the same operating system Android v4.2 is included and what gives you access to Google Play for new application downloads .
The Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom is advanced as a compact camera and works well as a smartphone, even if the original is greater when the specifications of the phone are considered together.
This is probably the first camera smartphone I’ve seen where I would hand – in – heart, leave your compact camera at home because this combo phone / camera is up .

Camera or Smartphone? – Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom

s4, Smartphone, Camera, Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom

from Bestphonesglobally

What Is The Best Camera Phone For Point and Shoot Photography?

When it comes to the best point and shoot camera , there are many smartphones that could be called the best when the criteria are high resolution images. For example, there is an old saying that says you take a picture first in his mind, while the camera works as a tool to convert the image of the eye of the mind to reality. In turn , the smartphone uses a standard 10 megapixel camera which is comparable to a standard point and shoot camera .

However , the camera of the smartphone offers more advantages than a point and shoot camera because the phone can also send and save your image.
Another aspect of the smartphone – which serves as a point and shoot camera – is related to the construction fixed aperture which is the standard for most mobile phones with a camera phone these days. In addition, there are smart phones that act as point and shoot cameras with zoom function allows you to digitally increase the resolution of the image you use.

What is the best compact camera ?
While professional photographers say that the best point and shoot camera is a classic Hasselblad 35mm you just point and shoot with the camera do the work, there are many models of smartphones that also offer special openings and adjustable shutter speeds to select and evaluate the best option to take the picture .
In addition, many smartphones tested for the purpose of photography, expert reviews online photography says the iPhone 5 has a great point and shoot features and high dynamic range of special function ( HDR ) to help you compose the image want to take.
However, there are other cell phones with cameras that are comparable to the iPhone , adding photographers who evaluated the best phones that can be used for photography.
Get pictures with a camera phone picture
The general rule for testing photography camera phone is to check if the user smartphones parameters are similar to those of a standard 35mm camera .
In turn, the photographer taking a variety of shots inside and outside in various lighting scenarios to see if the images are consistent and clear when the photos taken with a camera of smartphones compared to a normal camera .
In addition, the results are surprisingly the same with telephone point and shoot cameras produce pictures of similar quality , photographers say online reviews about the difference between standard phone cameras and 35mm models.
Another point and shoot photography area is related to the flash when used indoors or outside in low light. For example, a professional photographer for a long time , said online testing your Droid, Nokia and BlackBerry camera phones and search people and landscape pictures and even watch super phone and hardly comparable cameras.
Image quality with cameras point-and -shoot
The quality of the image, as you know many photographers , is the most important when taking a photo. However , there are some old school shooters still see smartphones as simple phones and no real cameras. However, this view is changing almost daily since smartphone technology continues to surprise consumers with things such as quality portrait images taken by a cell phone camera .
In turn , photographers extol smartphones because these camera phones cameras – like the Nokia Windows 8 and BlackBerry Z10 – can do the job in all areas .
For example, a camera blower smartphone said he took action shots , portraits, pictures during the afternoon and even photos taken in a snow storm and the sun on the beach and everything was perfect .
Smartphone cameras have all the features
A measure of the distance between the point and shoot cameras smart phones came manifested in a recent photography exhibition in San Francisco, which was organized by the mobile phone manufactures to demonstrate the power of these small upper chambers contained in smartphones.
In turn , a teenager won a prize in this point and shoot camera smartphone competition with your Nokia Windows 8 phone that has captured a very cool image of the Golden Gate Bridge at sunset .
The teenager said brightly colored orange was able to capture with your compact camera phone in the dark while boasting the ability of your phone to select ISO 800. Also watched your camera phone acts as a level point and shoot camera with the ability to adjust the exposure up or down at the same time with picture presets practice almost without error.
Camera phone with special features
While most standard 35mm cameras and point and shoot camera has many options to help make the most accurate images, smart phones today offer as point and shoot cameras are no slouch when it s’ is the particular configuration .
For example , there are many points and camera phones shoot with two special presets and manual adjustments to take pictures at any time of the day and in all weather conditions. Cameras smartphones – the model of DNA HTC Droid smart – allows the photographer or the cell phone user to resolve things such as exposure , contrast , saturation, sharpness of the image old age and images term “white balance .”
In addition, the white balance in most high-end smartphones cameras allows the extraction of the dominant unrealistic color that are common to most standard film cameras .
Point and shoot is better
The beauty of high-tech smart phones today – to aim and shoot the photos – it has camera of appropriate white balance to convert either hot or cold white light that our human eyes see in the photograph.
In addition , the benefits of point and shoot photography smartphone is related to the elimination of unwanted dominant color tend to occur in photos taken with a film camera , series or point of no – phone photo shoot .
At the end of the day, it was shown that the point of smartphone cameras are much more effective and reliable when it comes to white balance functions that eliminate unrealistic colors like blue and green casts severe.
Therefore, there are many photographers pointing their smartphones alive today understand white balance cameras when they can aim and shoot using standard cameras. In addition , photographers do things such as red-eye detection – which is standard with most cell phone devices – like a real advantage when it comes to taking pictures at the Birthday Party a child or any other event that requires Take lots of people inside .
Smart Phones make special settings
Photographers often express frustration when taking a level point and shoot cameras, because most do not have the same parameters cool their smartphone cameras.
For example, a new iPhone includes special scene modes make photography of the most powerful and fantastic images. These parameters include camera phone to take pictures , skin smoothing , fireworks and snow scenes and even smile and blink detection .
In turn, the best joke that many high-tech cameras today are smartphones photographers not only make your job easier , but the possibility of replacing one day as photographers .
At the same time , daybreak and shoot camera phones created a new trend in ” street photography ” where photographers have not taken this hobby with their smartphones.
For example, there are more and more photographers cell phone every day that are to capture wonderful images that can be shared with friends and family. These novice photographers are also breaking the glass ceiling in creating lasting images for posterity , and shopping online and in major newspapers and magazines.
In addition , the increase in mobile phone point and shoot photographer has created a new trend in the exchange of images in line with the global Internet community .
Photography cell phone is comfort
When it comes to the convenience of taking pictures almost anywhere and everywhere, there is a view that has really changed the rules for how most of the pictures taken today .
For example, a cell phone user online explains how he started taking pictures of the street after seeing all kinds of wonderful things from the screen of your smartphone ever present . Mobile phone fan also explained how he takes pictures throughout the city , simply because he always wears his cell phone camera and take pictures device has become a sort of hobby for him and his friends , who also share your photos of the street.
At the same time , another fan of point and shoot photography said he never took many pictures until it begins to regularly produce his camera phone with him a little. He said just have the camera phone handy offered many opportunities to take pictures with your standard point and shoot camera that uses single event for the family photograph or when on holiday.
Smartphone cameras are very convenient
First, you should know that for busy people today the camera smartphone is simple convenience. In turn, the camera phone is users , offering both a device to make phone calls and a camera to take pictures that were to escape.
For some people, the camera phone is a way to show that something is true .
In addition, a concert goer has long said that he never took pictures during concerts , but now that’s all he does. He explained that at a show or a concert , there’s always a dramatic moment someone makes a very solo guitar or something , and he just can not stop falling in this special moment in time with your point and shoot camera smartphone .
In addition, the reason that many cell phone users are sold on the built-in camera on your phone is the process of taking a photo is very easy to use.
For example, the most popular item and cameras on the market today are as smartphones. No iPhone 5, BlackBerry and Nokia Lumina Z10 920 to name a few of the many popular sites and shoot cameras for smartphones on the market today .
Although each of these cell phone cameras is marketed as “the best” , users of these camera phones are a little more demanding when it comes to the cream of the crop .
Cell phone pictures have come a long way
Point and shoot smartphone fans with camera phones that are animated images hugging each day want to say that this unique form of technology has come a very long way since the first camera phone to the iPhone. In addition, is not lost on the popular professional photographers yesterday megapixels is contained in a smartphone.
The result for the point and shoot fans of smartphones are beautiful professional quality images that are unmatched in the overall quality and clarity of the image. Therefore, it is for good reason that fans of these phone cameras sing the praises of this unique technology that has become accustomed faded and grainy photographic images and replaced by photographs of truly professional quality.
At the same time , this change in the number of pictures taken today has evolved from the image to be in the eye of mind for later, when the cell phone is out of the pocket of someone a break and went to work for large images.
Cameras smartphones continue to evolve
The modern photographer has two cameras – one, which is a level point and shoot camera , and the other an old phone is now a camera contained in a smartphone.
In addition, even the best standard point and shoot photo camera on the market today lack many integrated features that are popular with modern cameras smart phones. For example , Nokia Lumia 928 supporters say that the smartphone camera is truly state of the art with all kinds of bells and whistles that makes it comparable to a very good standard 35mm film camera .
In addition, many advances in cameras with optical zoom smartphones features that are lacking in many standard cell phone devices and the same point and shoot cameras regular news. For example, there is a view with photo enthusiasts who will not be long before your smartphone starts sporting interchangeable lenses and taxpayers like conventional cameras.
However, the point and shoot mentality is here to stay. An example is the widespread use of mobile phones in the world today most people have some kind of smartphone that incorporates a built-in camera .
In addition, even the best standard cameras do not have the ability to also send a picture right away, the cameras of smart phones are like a normal characteristic .
In general , the comments of most smartphones are now integrated into the functions of the camera are also marketed to users as a great option because you can take a picture at any time with ease on your mobile phone .

What Is The Best Camera Phone For Point and Shoot Photography?

Phone, Smartphone, Camera, What Is The Best Camera Phone

from Bestphonesglobally

What Is The Best Camera Phone For Point and Shoot Photography?

When it comes to the best point and shoot camera, there are many smartphones that could be called the best when the criteria are high-resolution images. For instance, there is an old saying that one takes a photo first in one’s mind while the camera serves as a tool to convert that mind’s eye image into reality. In turn, the standard smartphone uses a 10-megapixel camera that is comparable to a standard point and shoot camera.
However, the smartphone camera offers more advantages than a point and shoot camera because the phone can also send and save your images.
Another aspect of smartphone – serving as point and shoot camera – is linked to the phone’s built-in fixed aperture that is also standard for most camera cell phones these days. Also, there are smartphones that act like point and shoot cameras with zoom in features that lets you digitally increase the resolution of the image you are taking.
What Is The Best Point and Shoot Camera?
While professional photographers say the best point and shoot camera is a classic Hasselblad 35mm that one simply points and shoots with the camera doing the work, there are many smartphone models that also offer special apertures and adjustable shutter speeds for selecting and evaluating the best setting to make the photograph.
Also, of the many smartphones tested for photography purposes, the photography experts commenting online said the iPhone 5 has great point and shoot features and a special high dynamic range (HDR) feature to help you compose the image you wish to take.
However, there are other cell phones with cameras that are comparable to the iPhone, add photographers who’ve rated the best phones that can be used for photography.
Getting Great Images With a Cell Phone Camera
The general photography rule for testing a phone camera is to check if the smartphone’s user settings are similar to those on a standard 35 mm camera.
In turn, the photographer takes a variety of shots both indoors and outdoors in various lighting scenarios to see if the images are uniform and clear when the photographs are taken with a smartphone camera as compared to a regular camera.
Also, the results are surprisingly the same with phone point and shoot cameras producing similar quality photos, say top photographers commenting online about the difference between phone cameras and standard 35 mm models.
Another area of point and shoot photography is linked to the used of the flash when either indoors or outdoors in dimly lit areas. For instance, a longtime professional photographer commented online about testing his Droid, Nokia and BlackBerry camera phones and finding both people and landscape pictures looking super and even comparable to non-phone point and shoot cameras.
Image Quality With Point and Shoot Cameras
Image quality, as many photographers know, is all-important when taking a photo. However, there are old school shooters who still view smartphones as simply phones and not real cameras. Still, that view is changing almost daily as smartphone technology continues to amaze consumers with such things as portrait quality images taken by a cell phone camera.
In turn, top photographers are now singing the praises of smartphone cameras because these phone cameras – such as the Nokia Windows 8 phone and the BlackBerry Z10 – can do the job in all settings.
For example, a smartphone camera fan said she took action shots, portraits, photos during the evening hours and even pictures shot in a snowstorm and under the bright sun at the beach and all came out perfect.
Smartphone Cameras Have All the Features
A measure of how far point and shoot smartphone cameras have come is evident at a recent photography exhibit in San Francisco that was hosted by cell phone manufactures to demonstrate the power of these wee small cameras contained in smartphones.
In turn, a female teenager won a top prize in this smartphone point and shoot camera competition with her Nokia Windows 8 phone that captured a very cool image of the famed Golden Gate Bridge at dusk.
The teen pointed to the bright orange colors she was able to capture with her point and shoot camera phone at dusk while also bragging about her phone’s ability to select the ISO up to 800. She also noted how her phone camera acts just like a standard point and shoot camera with the ability to change the exposure either up or down while also featuring handy presets that makes for almost error free photography.
Phone Cameras With Special Features
While most standard 35 mm cameras and point and shoot camera have lots of settings to help make picture taking more exact, today’s smartphones that also offer point and shoot cameras are no slouch when it comes to special settings.
For example, there are many point and shoot phone cameras with both special presets and manual settings for taking photos at any time of the day and in all weather conditions. The smartphone cameras – such as the clever HTC Droid DNA model – allows the photographer or cell phone user to sort out such things as exposure, contrast, image saturation, image sharpness and even the age old photography term “white balance.”
In addition, the white balance feature on most top of the line smartphone cameras allows removal of unrealistic color casts that are common with most standard film cameras.
Point and Shoot Is Better
The beauty of today’s high-tech smartphones – for point and shoot photos – is proper camera white balance features that helps convert either the coolness or warmth of white light that our human eyes see during photography.
Moreover, the benefits of smartphone point and shoot photography is linked to the elimination of unsightly color casts that tend to appear in photos taken with either a standard film camera or a non-phone point and shoot camera.
At the end of the day, it has been proven that smartphone point and shoot cameras are much more efficient and dependable when it comes to white balance features that remove unrealistic colors such as harsh blues and green casts.
Thus, there are many longtime photographers today who point to their smartphone cameras understanding white balance better than they can when using standard point and shoot cameras. Also, the photographers point to such things as red-eye detection – that is standard with most cell phone cameras -as a real plus when it comes to taking photos during a child’s birthday party or other event that requires shooting a lot of people inside.
Special Settings Make Smartphones Smart
Photographers often express frustration when taking photos with a standard point and shoot cameras because most do not have the same cool settings as their smartphone cameras.
For instance, a new iPhone features special photography scene modes that make for more powerful and fantastic images. The camera phone’s settings include ones for taking portraits, skin smoothing, fireworks and snow scenes and even smile and eye-blink detection.
In turn, top photographers joke that many of today’s high-tech smartphone cameras are not only making their job easier but possibly replacing them one day as photographers.
At the same time, today’s point and shoot camera phones are creating a new trend in “street photography” where non-photographers have now taken this hobby up thanks to their smartphones.
For example, there are more and more everyday cell phone photographers who are capturing wonderful images that can be shared with family and friends. These rookie photographers are also breaking the glass ceiling on creating lasting images for posterity, and professional use online and in leading newspapers and magazines.
Also, the rise of the point and shoot cell phone photographer has created a new trend in sharing images online with the worldwide Internet community.
Cell Phone Photography Is All About Convenience
When it comes to the convenience of taking images almost anywhere and everywhere, there is a view that it has really changed the playing field for how most photographs are taken today.
For example, a cell phone user explained online how he started taking street photos after seeing all sorts of wonderful things from the viewfinder of his ever present smartphone. The cell phone fan also noted how he’s taking photos all over town simply because he always carries his cell phone camera, and taking images has become a sort of hobby for him and his friends who also share their street images.
At the same time, another fan of point and shoot photograph said he never really took photos that much until he started to habitually carry his camera phone around with him. He said just having the camera phone handy offered him many more opportunities to take photos than with his standard point and shoot camera that he only uses for family event photography or when on a vacation.
Smartphone Cameras Are Very Convenient
First you have to know that for busy people today the smartphone camera is all about simple convenience. In turn, the camera phone serves users by offering both a device to make phone calls and a camera to take those photos that used to get away.
For some people, the camera phone is a way of proving something is true.
In addition, a longtime concert goer said he never took photos during concerts, but now that’s all he does. He explained that during a show or concert there is always a dramatic moment with someone does a super guitar solo or something, and he just can’t help but snapping that special moment in time with his point and shoot smartphone camera.
Also, the reason many cell phone users are sold on their phone’s built-in camera is the process of taking a photo is very user friendly.
For instance, most of the popular point and shoot cameras on the market today are also smartphones. There is the iPhone 5, the BlackBerry Z10 and the Nokia Lumina 920 to name just a few of the many popular point and shoot smartphone camera models on the market today.
While each and every one of these cell phone cameras is marketed as the “best ones,” the users of these camera phones are a bit more discerning when it comes to the best of the best.
Cell Phone Photos Have Come A Long Way
The smartphone point and shoot camera phone fans who are busy snapping images each and every day like to say that this unique form of technology has come a heck of a long way since the first iPhone camera phone. Also, it is not lost on professional photographers that yesterday’s popular megapixel camera is now contained inside a smartphone.
The result for point and shoot smartphone fans is wonderful, professional quality images that are second to none in overall quality and clarity of image. Thus, it is for good reason that fans of these phone cameras are singing the praises of this unique technology that has taken away the usual washed-out and grainy photo images and replaced it with really professional quality photographs.
At the same time, this change in how many photos are taken today has evolved from the image being in the mind’s eye to later when the cell phone is taken out of someone’s pocket and put to work snapping great images.
Smartphone Cameras Continue To Evolve
The modern photographer has two cameras – one, that is a standard point and shoot camera, and the other a former phone that is now a camera contained within a smartphone.
In addition, even the best standard point and shoot camera on the market today lacks the many built-in features that are popular with modern smartphone cameras. For instance, fans of the Nokia Lumia 928 say this smartphone camera is really state-of-the-art with all sorts of bells and whistles that makes it comparable to a really good standard 35 mm film camera.
Also, there are many new breakthroughs in smartphone cameras with special optical zoom features that are lacking in many standard cell phone cameras and even regular point and shoot cameras. For example, there is a view with photography fans that it won’t be long before your smartphone starts sporting interchangeable lens and filers like standard cameras.
However, the point and shoot mentality is here to stay. An example is the widespread use of cell phones in the world today with most people owning some sort of smartphone that includes a built-in camera.
In addition, even the best standard cameras lack the ability to also send an image instantly like smartphone cameras do as a normal feature.
Overall, the reviews for most smartphones today include the built-in camera features that are also marketed to users as a great option because you can take a photo anytime with the ease of your cell phone.
Check out the Best Point and Shoot Camera Guide. Use the comparison chart to compare digital cameras. You can also read camera reviews and find helpful photography tips.
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What Is The Best Camera Phone For Point and Shoot Photography?

Phone, Camera, What Is The Best Camera Phone

from Bestphonesglobally

Camera or Smartphone? – Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom

The Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom is a direct spin-off of the original Samsung Galaxy S4 but there are major changes in the design to ensure the ultimate compact camera experience. The touchscreen display has been shrunk from 5-inches to 4.3-inches to ensure its ergonomic shape sits naturally in the hand, as a stand-alone compact camera would.
The chrome zoom lens protrudes slightly from the back of the phone and adds a little weight to the product at 208 grams. From the front it is impossible to distinguish the true nature of the Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom, which looks like any other smartphone.
A hands-on experience with this device will soon have users forgetting that it is in fact a smartphone. The camera side of this hybrid device is pretty impressive with a 16 megapixel lens and more importantly there is a 10x optical zoom. I mention this as most camera phones have a digital zoom which leaves them lacking when compared to a stand-alone compact camera.
The zoom is operated by twisting the lens that protrudes from the back of the device and this is a much more natural experience when compared to camera phones that operate via pinch-and-zoom on a touchscreen display.
During my time spent creating a review of the Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom I was truly amazed at the quality of the images and these were in a league of their own when compared to results from other camera phones.
Just like a compact camera there are many modes to choose from to ensure the best image is captured. The auto mode will suit most circumstances but the night mode is well worth activating in the evenings as the results far exceed those taken in auto mode. There is also an expert mode for those who want a little more control and from here I could adjust the shutter speed, ISO, aperture and brightness.
This smartphone performs extremely well and incorporates many of the features enjoyed on the original Samsung Galaxy S4. These include Samsung apps such as S Translate, S Travel, S Voice and Story Album.
There is a dual core 1.5GHz processor to handle complex tasks and the same Android v4.2 operating system is included and this gives access to Google Play for new app downloads.
The Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom is advanced as a compact camera and performs well as a smartphone, although the original exceeds it when the phone specifications are viewed side-by-side.
This is probably the first camera smartphone that I have seen where I would suggest, hand-on-heart, leaving your compact camera at home as this phone/camera combo is up to the task.
Michael MB Brown tests and writes about mobile phones for
Visit my website at the above link to compare mobile phones side-by-side.
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Camera or Smartphone? – Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom

Smartphone, Camera, Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom

from Bestphonesglobally