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9 Car Insurance Myths

Drivers are required by law to have a current car insurance in most states . Car insurance is important for many reasons , but there are many misconceptions associated with it too. This article will attempt to answer some of the myths that many Americans think about their auto coverage .

A. Full coverage is a general term for auto insurance policies include , again, is misleading , since it is not an insurance that covers all accidents completely. Automobile policies have covered all constraints have to pay for the loss caused to another driver . Also, most car insurance policies pay the actual value , if your car is wrecked , also known as total loss. The value is the value of your car before insurable incident. It is not related to what it would cost to replace your car.

Two . Anyone over 25 is covered using the car . Who is covered to drive your vehicle will differ from policy to policy . However, a policy of widespread automobile only cover drivers on your policy and insurance card. To clarify whether casual drivers who have permission to use the car are covered, you should consult your policy or insurance agent.

Three . Red cars are more expensive to insure. This great – story began when people began to speculate that red cars are more likely to be stopped a red car as it would be more visible to the police. Tickets The truth is accelerating influence raw color of your car does not work.

April . If I let a friend borrow my car and my friend, the total vehicle , your insurance company will cover the accident. It depends on what state you live in. Some states will make your friend driving the car to pay the insurance company if your vehicle is damaged due to their error.

May . Can I buy car insurance after the incident and I am leaning . Insurance is designed to protect against unforeseen accidents . This logic can be compared to buying a lottery ticket after the numbers are drawn and assuming that to win. Attempting to buy a car insurance policy to cover an incident that has already occurred is also known as insurance fraud and could land you in jail.

6. My loan will be repaid in full if my vehicle is unrecoverable. As mentioned above , most insurance policies only cover the actual value of the car, which is the value of your car, less applicable amortization. If youâ € ™ re upside down on your car loan , meaning you owe more than the actual value of your lender , you may very well end up as a result of the loan balance you have in a car no longer works.

7. If I have personal things in my car, my auto insurance will take care of me. Car insurance is designed only to provide the car and the car owner , no personal effects inside the vehicle. Personal belongings in your vehicle can be covered by a policy of tenants or owners.

8. I do not want to put my teenage son on my policy because I do not want to be responsible if they get into an accident. Parents are always responsible for the actions of their young drivers without exception. Your auto insurance does not cause risk or liability , which provides coverage to parents against this liability. If a young driver is not covered, your mother will always be responsible for any damage to the wheel.

9. The only option to get insurance to drive a car insurance is to buy ” non-owners ” . Auto insurance provides coverage for the owner contested Cara € ™ . The vehicle involved in an insurable event wonâ € ™ t stand before a judge to answer any demand resulting from an accident, is the person who owns the car . Therefore, in most cases, with few exceptions, your car insurance policy will provide coverage when another car ™ € s character used .

There are many misconceptions about car insurance . It is best to investigate these myths if youâ € ™ re not put in a bad situation when buying car insurance. Contradicting these fabrications will be better armed and familiar with the risk before buying car insurance. Always go over your concerns with your auto insurance agent .

9 Car Insurance Myths

Insurance, Myths, Car, Car Insurance Myths

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