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Different Sensors Used in Smartphones and Tablets

Mobile devices of the present generation can emulate all the functions available on a personal computer or laptop . It also has additional features that make it an essential device in the modern world. It was made possible by using advanced internal circuitry and the integration of various sensors which provides the input system based on a phone or user behavior . Here we take a look at the popular sensors that are available on most mobile devices :
a . The GPS sensor GPS is Global Positioning System , which helps in monitoring the location of the device and interpolates the map. With GPS sensors, mobile users can allow other applications and devices for their current situation and provide contextual information . For example , applications like Foursquare use the current user location using GPS sensor to provide restaurants and attractions.
b . Proximity sensor : The main use of this sensor is to detect the proximity of human body parts for the phone. It is able to detect the presence of the human body , which can be used to manipulate the functions of the mobile . For example, smart phones can detect if the phone is not near the ear of the user and disable the backlight to save battery . The proximity sensor can also be used to prevent the composition of the pocket, or unwanted from the keyboard when the user is on a call entries.
c . Ambient Light Sensor : This is another sensor that is installed on mobile devices to avoid excessive use of mobile battery. When the device is exposed to configure daylight , the properties of brightness and contrast of the phone is automatically adjusted to provide the optimal image . The sensor can detect the presence of light-based photodiodes that are present in your system, and act accordingly to the device.
d. Accelerometer: Most phones automatically switch your phone screen from portrait to landscape , depending on how the phone is held by the user. This function is provided by the accelerometer . Accelerometers to detect the orientation of the apparatus relative to a static part . Besides the display screen, this function is also available in the devices as cameras .
e . Back Illuminated Sensor : This is an advanced that only the last tablets and smartphones offer electronic sensor. The device digital camera can detect the amount of light you get when you click on a photo, and can intelligently change the amount of light captured in the final image.
Latest tablets and smart phones come with advanced sensors . Online stores reputable sell the most advanced smartphones like Samsung i9500 Galaxy S4 .

Different Sensors Used in Smartphones and Tablets

Different, Tablets, Smartphones

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