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smartphone future chinese

Chinese vendors represent more 50 % of mobile phones in 2015 , according to the
a new report from ABI Research. Many Chinese original equipment manufacturers are now
see beyond the huge Chinese market, now in place to focus on other
markets in the world. Huawei (Sixth market share worldwide for 2013)

ZTE ( fifth of the global market share of 2013) have already had an impact on
the world stage, but outside China OEM mobile phones like Lenovo (refer to the
Motorola gain ) and are Xiaomi set to join them.
ABI Research – Chinese suppliers accounted for 38% of mobile
shipments of phones in 2013. the course growing demand for low-cost phones ,
particularly smartphones, increase your
market share. Greater China has long dominated the mobile
phones manufacturing supply chain , but now original equipment manufacturers (OEM)
begin to dominate sales expense of traditional suppliers phones
including Samsung itself, according to the U.S. research firm focused on technology .
Many Chinese original equipment manufacturers now see beyond the huge Chinese market , now
established to focus on other markets in the world. Huawei ( sixth of the global market share
2013) and ZTE ( fifth market share worldwide 2013) have had an impact on
world stage, but other Chinese OEM mobile phones as Lenovo ( with the acquisition of Motorola)
and Xiaomi arrive to join them. Nick Spencer, senior director of practice , mobile
devices called ” Chinese suppliers have already taken five of the top ten in terms of
market share in the world, although three of them really the shipping in China. Chinese
suppliers emphasize the change in shape of the market for mobile telephony as the Chinese
ecosystem production , particularly reference models , allowing the new wave of
the growth of smartphones in emerging low-cost countries between markets and price-conscious
consumers around the world “.
” The South-East Asia has already experienced this trend, but ABI Research expects to see
impact of these Chinese sellers that increase in all emerging markets and even advanced
markets , especially in prepaid , ” he added Spencer.

smartphone future chinese

Global, Sales, smartphone future chinese, Smartphones, smartphone future, future, Chinese

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