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The Features Of A Smartphone That Make It Exceptional

Many people do not really have an understanding of the term smartphone and are not aware of the features that they have. A smartphone is a mobile phone that is optimized with high connectivity and computing capability designed to work on mobile operating systems. They differ according to manufacturers, make, size, shape, usage, among many other features. These differences make users want to be specific about the types they want to purchase according to their intended use. For instance, according to size consideration is done on factors such as portability and flexibility of that particular phone.
Among the main features that one should consider is the operating system on which the phone is operating. The most common operating systems include:
1. Android system, which enables specialized Google, has features such as Goggle Maps, calendars, locations and full HTML web browser. It also allows Goggle Play and Store, which enables downloading of games, music and other related applications. It also possesses multi-touch ability. Other than that, the android system allows 3D stereotyping and effects providing quality images and games.
2. I.O.S system, which has multi-touch interface – It usually comes at a very affordable price with mainly 3G-internet browser. It supports both Wi-Fi and mobile network capabilities without any PC installation allowing network accessibility by user with much ease. It has dual core processor and 8-megapixel screen resolution density capable to record 1080p at 30 frames per second. They also support I tunes for stereo music streaming and downloading.
3. Windows – Windows operating systems support Microsoft features such as Microsoft office, sky drive, music and video X-box, 3D games and superior search engines such as Bing. It also supports Goggle, Twitter and Facebook accounts. With the recent Windows 8 users are able to switch between applications in two different platforms.
Other major considerations that users ought to consider before purchasing a smartphone are:
1. The display – mainly entails the screen size and resolution mainly ranging from 3 to 5 inches in most phones. Others vary from 240×320 pixels to 1180×1920 (Full HD) to support full HD videos and games.
2. Audio consideration should be done, choosing from high definition audio (HIFI) which enhance mp3, mp4 and other music and video players and low definition audio which does not mainly support high streaming of music and videos.
3. The camera – with most recent smart phones possessing digital images processors, they can also possess high pixel resolution or lower pixel resolution. Those who intend to use their phones for photo and video shooting are advised to choose high pixel resolution digit phones. The pixel resolution in most smart phones ranges from 4Mp to 40Mps.
4. Availabilities of features e.g. radio and TV- Most smartphone has noise-sensitive radio and possesses digitally broadcasting systems.
5. Availability of popular applications – such applications include gaming, mapping and navigation, ringing, privacy and security, registration among many other applications. This makes the user to fully utilize the phone and enjoy most of its features.
6. GPS Services – These mainly vary with phone based on which application software the phone is using. They include 3G, 2G, Edge, and WIFI capabilities, which ease internet connectivity.
7. Battery life – The ability of a battery to last longer makes a smartphone more marketable compared to others with low battery energy storage capability. Careful consideration should therefore be made to avoid future charge inconveniencies.
8. Ability to load basic media, which entails the capability to load games, music, video, pictures and other graphic applications with much ease compared to other types of phones. Those with high capability are mostly considered in relation to those with low capability.
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The Features Of A Smartphone That Make It Exceptional

The Features, Smartphone

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